
Coping with the Aftermath of Suicide:

If suicide has affected your workplace, you are probably wondering what to do. Frequently, leaders feel at a loss to help those affected and on how to contain the guilt, and second guessing plagues the workforce. We understand this process can be overwhelming. We can help. Suicide “postvention” is immediate crisis intervention for those affected by a suicide or suicide attempt. Suicide is not like other crises; many common crisis debriefing strategies fall short in understanding the complexities of this particular tragedy. This workshop helps leaders create a plan to cope with the trauma and grief in your community and set the community back on a path to normalcy.

Photo by Yancy Min on Unsplash

Photo by Yancy Min on Unsplash

Working Minds™ Colorado Depression Center Train the Trainer- “Certification Workshop”: (U.S. Resource)

This training will educate and equip businesses with tools to address mental health and suicide concerns within the workplace.

Photo by Jaime Lopes on Unsplash

Photo by Jaime Lopes on Unsplash

Resilience at Work WOrkshop:

A Program Integrating Mental Wellbeing Into Employer Wellness, Engagement, and Compliance Strategies
